Prostate Cancer - 8 Superfoods For a Healthy Prostate

Dr Rashmi Venjamuri | March 23, 2023

The second-leading cause of cancer-related fatalities in males worldwide is prostate cancer. Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, which may not show signs or symptoms in their early stages. The patients have trouble urinating, have blood in the urine or semen, lose weight without trying, and have decreased force in the stream of urine.


Various environmental factors, such as diet, obesity, smoking, and excessive exercise, are reportedly related to elevating the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers have recently focused on the effect of diet on prostate cancer.

Some research has linked a high dairy and calcium intake to an increased risk of cancer. A diet like this is frequently linked to oxidative stress and inflammation, which disrupts prostate hormone regulation.

Healthy eating is about finding the right balance between nutrition and taste. Eating a well-balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy body mass index, recover well during treatment, and boost your energy.

Experts believe diet can help prevent and even slow the progression of prostate cancer. Here are some superfoods that can help keep your prostate healthy.

Eight  superfoods for a Healthy Prostate

You should visit your healthcare provider for regular prostate cancer screening and maintain a healthy prostate through a well-balanced diet. A healthy diet could include the following:

  • Plant-based products
  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables 
  • Fiber-rich foods 
  • Food with low saturated fats
  • Limited intake of sugar

You can start improving your prostate health by adding these eight foods to your diet.

1. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may help prevent prostate cancer.  They also contain vitamin C and potassium—two nutrients that may help reduce the risk of cancer by preventing free radical damage to DNA. Cooking tomatoes in an oily medium enhances the bioavailability of lycopene. 

Antioxidants benefit your body by scavenging free radicals. Free radicals have the power to damage healthy cells and permanently alter how they function. 

 Cooked or pureed tomato products could be a better option. These includes:

  • Tomato paste 
  • Tomato juice 
  • Sun-dried tomato

Incorporating more tomato-based recipes into your diet is a simple way to increase your intake of tomatoes. Drinking plain tomato juice in the morning could be an option that you can always choose. 

2. Broccoli

Broccoli belongs to a species known as brassica. It is a nutritional powerhouse full of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. The use of cruciferous vegetables to prevent cancer is still being studied. Broccoli contains sulforaphane and other anti-cancer compounds that selectively target and kill the cancer cell.

Intake of Broccoli sprouts is often associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Epigenetic regulators have identified them as targets for prostate cancer chemoprevention. 

Vitamin C, which helps your immune system, is abundant in broccoli. We can use broccoli in soups or salads or simply eat steamed ones. 

3. Green Tea 

Multiple studies show that green tea reduces the risk of cancer. Green tea brings out fresh leaves of camellia by steaming or drying without fermenting. Data shows that green tea consumption might reduce the effects of prostate cancer. If you are good to go with green tea, start drinking a cup each morning instead of your regular coffee.

Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage.

The health benefits of green tea include increased fat burning, reduced cancer risk, helping to lose weight, and improved brain function.

4. Legumes and Soybeans

Legumes have been considered high in protein and an excellent source of dietary fiber.

Research shows that nutritional features help with the reduction of chronic disease. Soybeans have received considerable attention because the intake of soya reduces the risk of cancer.

Soybeans and soy-based food have a high content of phytoestrogens. Most isoflavones, because of their estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects, help prevent prostate cancer.

Isoflavones slow prostate cancer cell motility and invasion and reduce inflammatory markers in men with prostate cancer.

Legumes and beans are high in proteins and low in fat.

5. Pomegranate Juice 

Pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants. 

Pomegranate fruit from the tree ‘Punicagranatum’ has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes and is known as a natural power fruit. Studies show that pomegranates significantly prolong the prostate-specific antigen doubling time in patients with prostate cancer.

We can use the juice and seeds of pomegranates. These seeds are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and fatty acids. Studies by the National Cancer Institute show that pomegranate juice contains bioactive components that may help with the proliferation of prostate gland cancer.

6. Fish 

Fish-derived omega-3 fatty acids have been helpful in the prevention of prostate cancer. Studies show that populations with higher fish consumption have lower rates of prostate cancer than others.

Preliminary research indicates that high omega-3 intake may be associated with lower prostate cancer mortality. Further research would be able to establish this fact conclusively.

Fish has always been a source of high-quality protein. Healthy Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in oily fish species like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout. Now fish oils are available to those who cannot get fresh ones.

7. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. These trace minerals are essential for a healthy prostate and a resilient immune system. Men who develop BPH and prostate cancer are usually deficient in zinc and other trace minerals.

8. mushroom 

Treatment with white button mushrooms has indicated a decrease in Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in about 1/3 of patients. Some of them also experienced durable remissions. High PSA levels frequently indicate the presence or progression of prostate cancer. The chemicals prevalent in white button mushrooms may slow the progression of prostate cancer.


Foods that contain essential compounds may help keep your prostate healthy and reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Empirical research in the future can determine how diet affects prostate health. Experts now believe the choice of diet accounts for this subset of prostate cancer cases. 

 Scientists have slowly uncovered a list of cancer superfoods and supplements to optimize your diet while also discovering foods and supplements that could contribute to cancer risk and aggression.

Scientific research shows that a Mediterranean-type and a plant-based diet are helpful for those with prostate cancer to reduce disease progression.
Most items in the above list are nutritious and help your whole body be healthy. In advanced stages of cancer, patients would have to undergo radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy along with such diets.

We hope this blog post has been helpful to you and that you have learned about some superfoods for a healthy prostate.


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