Best 3 Ways to Prepare for a Drug Shortage Caused by a COVID 19

Venkat Bollineni | September 12, 2020

You might be coming across news saying COVID 19 likely to impact drug supply, resulting in a drug shortage. This is a challenging time, and it is difficult to predict the possibility of a drug shortage. The FDA is closely monitoring the situation and is taking all measures to keep the supply of drugs steady. 

Experts agree that there is a concern regarding drug shortage, but it is not the time to panic. But people who have an underlying medical condition and are on life-saving medication must consider getting an advance supply of their pills. Drugs are not only needed to reduce your outings but also to ensure that you have everything required if you get sick. 

But getting an advance supply of drugs is not as easy as we think. Here is what you need to know to be equipped for such unprecedented times.  In this blog post, we will discuss 3 best ways to prepare for potential drug shortage. 

3 Best Ways to Prepare for the Drug Shortage

1. Fill up Your Prescription Medication With Extra Meds

If you are on daily prescription medication for conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or depression then stock them up. You can consider buying a 90-day or 3-months supply. 

Check the FDA Drug Shortages database to see if any of your routine drug prescriptions are in short supply. Discuss with your pharmacist regarding those medications availability. 

Generally, pharmacies that accept insurance may have restrictions on providing extra medications. But in emergencies, there are certain relaxations for buying and stocking prescription drugs. Try your options to get a 90-day supply of medications. Confer with your pharmacist to plan your preparedness for drug shortage. Also, make sure you store your extra meds well in a safe place and continue to refill your pillbox every month.

2. Shift to an Online Pharmacy

In this COVID crisis choosing an online pharmacy is the best way to avoid getting infected. It helps you to avoid coming in contact with other people and common touch surfaces. Thus by choosing an online pharmacy, you reduce the risk of infection. 

The iLiveActive pharmacy network is one such portal that will deliver your medication to your doorstep. It also offers customized treatment and prescription drugs based on your health condition. You can submit your request online, and the US-based physicians will evaluate your request and provide medications. 

3. Stock up Over-the-Counter Medications

Keeping the flu and cold medications handy in this pandemic is essential. Buy extra drugs that are generally needed, such as painkillers, cough drops, decongestants, cough suppressants, and fever medicines. 

Remember that it is not advisable to take these medications in excess without consulting your doctor. If you have any underlying medical condition and are on medication, consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medicines. This helps you avoid any dangerous side effects of these drugs.

What to do When There is a Shortage of Medication

The primary reason for the drug shortage is manufacturing issues. Production delay can happen due to the inability to receive raw materials and other components from other suppliers.  

If there is a drug shortage due to COVID 19, consider taking these actions:

  • Discuss with your doctor about any alternatives. Your health care provider can suggest appropriate options that are available.
  • Call your pharmacist and inform about your requirement of medication and ask for a 90-day supply. Once the stock arrives, the pharmacist can tell you. 
  • Contact your health care provider immediately if you run out of your medications.

Final Words

The rapidly increasing demand for medications due to COVID-19 has put pressure on hospitals and health systems to appropriately manage drug supply and patient care. Essential medicines are expected to face shortages due to manufacturing and transportation issues. Keep yourself informed to avoid panic due to running out of medications. Discuss your concerns with your doctor and pharmacist. Asking for a 90-day supply of medications is ideal to stay safe in such conditions.

Being prepared for this uncertainty is the need of the hour. Stock up your essential meds to stay safe and healthy.

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